/18/ ED26044.DTL San Francisco Chronicle Letters to the Editor August 18, 1998 NORTH COAST EXPLOITED Editor -- While I don't question John Campbell's sincerity (Letters, August 6), I must question his characterization of Pacific Lumber Company, and by extension corporate timber operators, as guardians of "the hard-pressed North Coast economy." As a 30-year North Coast resident, county supervisor and congressman, I have long understood the incongruity between our region's rich resources and "hard-pressed economy." The economy of the North Coast bears strong resemblance to that of a Third World country. The timber corporations exploit our natural resources, taking huge profits while despoiling the countryside and threatening long-term job prospects. Many people seem to be confused about this. They think that Louisiana-Pacific, Simpson, Pacific Lumber, Sierra Pacific and the rest are the source of our wealth. After all, don't they provide the jobs? No, they don't. It is the resources that provide the jobs. It is the climate, the soils, the clean air and water that protect the jobs. Clearly, this is the most important legacy we can leave our children. Unfortunately, the Pacific Lumber Habitat Conservation Plan/Sustained Yield Plan that John Campbell touts falls far below the mark in this regard. Pacific Lumber Company has committed over 200 violations of the Forest Practices Act in the last three years. In an action without precedent,they have had their license to operate suspended by the state. John Campbell wants us to think that the Wilson/Feinstein/ Thompson Headwaters Agreement represents grand largesse on the part of Pacific Lumber Company. This reminds me of stories of the nobility carriaging through the countryside, tossing small coins and breadcrumbs to the rabble. Enough is enough! Dan Hamburg Green Party candidate for Governor
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