> > >"Lessons must be learned after death" > >David Chain was a person. > >Some people have already lost sight of that fact. Chain had parents who >loved him and friends who enjoyed his company. He was a young idealist >who wanted to make the world, in his mind, a better place to live. >Certainly nobody can fault him for that. > >But some have faulted him for dying. He was trespassing on Pacific >Lumber Co, land with about eight other Earth First activists when a tree >fell on him and killed him. Yes, he shouldn't have been there, but Chain >didn't deserve to die, as some callous people who have grown weary of >protesters have said. We realize those heartless souls are in the >minority and [we] prefer to believe that despite where people stand on >the timber issue, everybody thinks like Joe Rogers, a 32-year PL >employee, who said: "We need people to pursue causes. But you don't want >to hear of anyone losing their life, even if it is for the wrong war or >the right war." > >Rogers brought up another salient point: "No matter where you stand, the >loss of someone's life is tragic. But I'm also surprised it already >hasn't happened. The guys who work out there lose their lives from time >to time." > >Logging is one of the most dangerous professions in the United States. >The limbs from a fallen tree that get hung up in another standing tree >are called widow makers for a reason. A 300-pound limb dropping 180 feet >with no warning is a recipe for disaster. > >There are other hazards that loggers face as well - sharp equipment, >heavy logs and giant machinery. People who work in the woods - like >commercial fishermen and coal miners - face enormous risks and should be >thankful every evening when they make it home from work. > >There's a lesson there for environmental activists. Loggers are trained, >skilled and have the benefit of the best equipment - yet loggers are >still injured or killed. A logging operation is no place for >spectators. > >Activists know this, yet trespass anyway and take the risk. They think >their battle is important enough. The Humboldt County Sheriff's >Department says it doesn't have enough staff to go track down >trespassers in the forest. So what we're stuck with is a problem with no >solution - unless Earth First puts an end to the predicament. > >The activists in the area near Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park the day >of the accident were trying to persuade the loggers to quit cutting >trees. The method is called "cat and mouse," which Earth First spokesman >Josh Brown described as "engaging [the loggers] in dialogue and asking >them not to cut trees." > >We can't see many loggers laying down their saws and refusing to cut the >trees. They have jobs to do. they have families to feed. Judging from >the video that Earth First said was taken at the site about 90 minutes >before the accident, all the "dialogue" managed to do was upset a logger >and cause him to spew a bunch of four-letter words. > >If earth First must protest, there have to be better methods. There have >to be methods that won't get anybody else killed. > > > > David M. Walsh P.O. Box 903 Redway, CA 95560 Office and Fax(707) 923-3015 Home (707) 986-1644
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