>From: <DavidOrr@aol.com>
>Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 15:19:30 EDT
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>Subject: LA Times on HCP study
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>Los Angeles Times
>Monday, July 20, 1998
>Study Finds Few Watching Protected Areas
>By DEBORAH SCHOCH, Times Staff Writer
>A much-touted national blueprint that allows development in
>environmentally fragile areas has sometimes failed to provide sufficient
>monitoring or data to ensure that plants and animals are protected from
>extinction, the draft of a major new study concludes.
>Championed by the Clinton administration, Habitat Conservation Plans
>have been crafted nationwide as a pioneering means of balancing the
>welfare of rare wildlife with the pressures of growth. As conceived, they
>were created to make peace between the two sides and avoid costly
>litigation, allowing developers to build while keeping some fragile
>habitat intact.
>But the draft study--developed by a research team from eight
>universities--indicates that a lack of scientific input went into some
>plans, and raises warning flags about whether some species--from rare
>tortoises to delicate flowers--are receiving the protection government
>regulators hoped for in pacts with developers, lumber companies and other
>Among its recommendations, the draft study issues a strong and urgent
>call for changes in future Habitat Conservation Plans, or HCPs. It
>presses for basic scientific standards and suggests changing the law to
>require review of proposed plans by independent experts. And it urges
>more sharing of information, noting that no centralized library appears
>to exist for the 200-plus plans already in place.
>The study, obtained by The Times, was sponsored jointly by the
>National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at UC Santa Barbara
>and the American Institute of Biological Sciences based in Washington,
>D.C. It was developed over the past year by 13 faculty members and 106
>graduate students from eight universities nationwide. Its findings are
>expected to be published by the end of the year.
>When finalized, the study is expected to be the most complete
>scientific report card to date of one of the most significant federal
>environmental initiatives of the 1990s. It also is expected to fuel a
>mounting debate over whether the plans constitute a landmark conservation
>effort or instead, as some environmentalists claim, skimp on biological
>research to placate developers.
>While it found that the plans' designers generally do a good job of
>gathering what details they can find about key plants and animals, it
>also showed there were gaps, not just in the scientific underpinnings of
>some plans, but in society's knowledge of the biology of rare species.
>"We just don't know the information, and we don't for an awful lot of
>species," said Peter Kareiva, the University of Washington zoology
>professor who led the study. Still, he believes that with some reforms,
>the Habitat Conservation Plan approach can be made to work.
>"It's not like in principle, it can't work."
>The findings could have particular impact in California, where 2.3
>million acres of land already are covered by 50 approved HCPs, from
>timberlands near the Oregon border to sage-specked hills overlooking
>"Southern California is one of the most important places in the world
>to be having this discussion," said Frank Davis, a UC Santa Barbara
>professor and deputy director of the National Center at UC Santa Barbara.
>The study is widely anticipated in Washington, and some study
>scientists and other experts briefed U.S. Interior Secretary Bruce
>Babbitt on key points of the study when they met with him in May to
>discuss their concerns about HCPs.
>"It's absolutely clear that this is the most comprehensive review of
>HCPs that's been done," said Dee Boersma, president of the Society for
>Conservation Biology and a University of Washington professor.
>The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has told experts at its offices
>nationwide to review the draft study, and a formal agency response is due
>later this summer, said Laverne Smith, chief of the agency's Division of
>Endangered Species. She expressed concern about reporting on preliminary
>findings, adding that her agency could not comment until its critique is
>Douglas Wheeler, California secretary of resources, who has reviewed
>the draft study, said: "I take from the report, not that we've done a
>good job or a bad job, but the approach we've taken is the right
>approach, which is to rely on science when it's available."
>HCPs have been lauded with increasing fervor in Washington and
>Sacramento during the 1990s as a means of balancing the demands of
>development with the stringent standards of the Endangered Species Act.
>Babbitt has been among the program's leading mentors.
>In short, the program allows developers to destroy habitat containing
>some rare species as long as other habitat is set aside and managed for
>species protection. For instance, Orange County's largest developer, the
>Irvine Co., negotiated with regulators to craft a 37,000-acre preserve
>for the California gnatcatcher and other rare creatures. The developer in
>turn was granted freedom from endangered species laws on certain land
>outside the preserve.
>* * *
>The Orange County plan assembled a massive piece of habitat larger
>than the cities of Costa Mesa and Irvine combined that is managed to
>protect species, said Laer Pearce, executive director of the Coalition
>for Habitat Conservation, a landowner group. He called the review process
>"I've watched the process up close and personal, and seen the level of
>review involved in it. It's been a tough, tough process," Pearce said.
>The draft study champions the importance of science in creating
>HCPs--a process that some critics claim can be driven more by economics
>and politics than by biology. Because HCPs are compromises, understanding
>what each side has at stake is important.
>"It is easy to identify what is given up from the viewpoint of a
>private landowner--since the dollar value of future land development or
>exploitation is readily calculable," the study states.
>"It is much harder to quantify what is given up in terms of a species'
>prospects for long-term survival. That is the challenge for the
>scientific component of HCPs."
>The study looked at 208 plans, or most of those in place in 1997. It
>examined 43 plans in-depth, including the Orange County plan and one in
>San Diego County. More than half involved building construction, with
>another quarter related to logging.
>The smallest plan studied is a tiny project just four-tenths of an
>acre in size intended to protect the Florida scrub jay. The largest: a
>sprawling plan on 1.6 million acres in western Washington state
>containing the Northern spotted owl and the grizzly bear.
>The draft concludes that many existing plans do not estimate the
>specific number of plants and animals to be harmed or destroyed. And only
>a small fraction of the habitat plans studied in-depth contain clear
>monitoring programs adequate for measuring success, according to the
>"I was surprised by the monitoring," Kareiva said. "I thought that
>without too much effort or expense, we could do a lot better monitoring.
>Otherwise, there's no way of finding out if they're effective or not."
>Plans must often be completed quickly, by overworked staff. "Often the
>time pressure under which they're put together is enormous,"said Kareiva.
>He said he felt tremendous sympathy for the Fish and Wildlife Service,
>which has been deeply involved in the process. The explosion of HCPs
>"puts a huge workload on them" Kareiva said, but without a major boost in
>With the right safeguards in place, however, these and other plans
>should be capable of protecting species, according to Kareiva and several
>other scientists, including Fran James, a professor in biological science
>at Florida State University who is involved with the study.
>One bright spot in some plans, James said, is how they manage
>sensitive habitat, using such techniques as controlling harmful nonnative
>weeds that can crowd out native plants. And few other tools besides HCPs
>are available to manage endangered species on private land, she said.
>*This tool, even though it has its flaws, we really need to think
>positively about how to make it better," said James, immediate past
>president of the American Institute of Biological Sciences.
>The study comes at a critical time for HCPs, which grew out of a 1982
>change in the Endangered Species Act that gave landowners more
>flexibility in dealing with rare plants and animals. The first such plan
>in the nation was created on San Bruno Mountain south of San Francisco to
>protect the fragile Mission blue butterfly.
>California has become a focal point for HCP planning, in part because
>237 of the state's plants and animals are federally listed as endangered
>or threatened--more than any other state except Hawaii. More impetus came
>in 1991 when Gov. Pete Wilson launched a state effort known as the
>Natural Community Conservation Planning program that has yielded some of
>the largest and most ambitious plans in the nation.
>More proposals are in the pipeline, such as a wide-ranging draft HCP
>proposal released last Monday for public review, covering the bitterly
>fought-over Headwaters forest land in Northern California.
>Yet a spate of recent letters from scientists and reports from groups
>like Defenders of Wildlife and the National Wildlife Foundation have
>questioned aspects of the program. Even so, those environmentalists
>consider the study to be the most comprehensive to date, due to its sharp
>focus on science and use of voluminous data from plans nationwide.
>"Overall, I don't see how a study could have been done better," said
>Peter Brussard, a biology professor at the University of Nevada at Reno
>who has worked with the HCP program. "It's probably as free of bias as
>any of those studies can be."
>* * *
>A Closer Look at What Study Found and Recommended
>A pioneering conservation effort has attempted to strike a balance
>between development and the protection of endangered plants and animals.
>But the draft of a new study has found flaws in the biological
>underpinnings of many so-called Habitat Conservation Plans, or HCPs.
>* Many plans fail to judge how many plants and animals would be
>"taken"--destroyed or injured--by the HCP system of developing some lands
>while saving others to protect and sustain endangered wildlife.
>* Plan designers frequently try to compensate for lost wildlife by
>buying land, restoring habitat or even moving animals. But the scientists
>found "low-quality" data often being used in these compensation efforts.
>* The status of plants and animals in a plan is often well-known and
>analyzed. Even so, as planning moves forward, the analysis of species
>disturbance, impact, mitigation and monitoring are more poorly done or
>* The study's authors were troubled by what they call a frequent lack
>of follow-up study.
>* Plans should assess how species would be disturbed, such as counting
>the population of plants and animals and predicting what portion would be
>disturbed or lost.
>* Habitat restoration and other mitigation should start earlier,
>preferably before species are disturbed, so that any flaws can be found
>and corrected. Monitoring programs are needed to judge how well wildlife
>is being protected.
>* Plans should be reviewed by independent experts to make sure they
>are based on sound biology.
>* Findings should be put in centralized databases so scientists can
>study the overall status of endangered species and their habitats.
>* When important scientific information is missing, an HCP should not
>be approved.
>Safety Net?
>An effort to balance economic and environmental interests has led to
>the creation of Habitat Conservation Plans in California and nationwide.
>Today, 50 plans protect dozens of species statewide. Some of the plan
>areas and the wildlife protected:
>Northern California
>Plan Area Acres Start
>Blackhawk Pipeline 5 1996
>Natomas 53,342 1997
>North of Playa 33 1996
>Parkside Homes 25 1996
>Quail Hollow 32 1997
>Regli Estate 500 1995
>San Bruno Mountain 3,324 1983*
>Seascape Uplands 192 1997
>Simpson Timber 380,000 1992
>Teichert Vernalis 497 1997
>Southern California
>Plan Area Acres Start
>Arco Western Energy 120,320 1996
>Chevron Pipeline 26 1996
>Coachella Valley 70,000 1986
>Cushenbury Sand & Gravel 200 1996
>Fieldstone 1,918 1995
>Kern Water Bank 19,900 1997
>Lake Mathews 5,110 1995
>Metropolitan Bakersfield 262,000 1994
>Ocean Trails 270 1997
>Orange County Central/Coastal 208,000 1996
>Poway Subarea 25,000 1996
>Riverside County 540,000 1996
>San Diego County 582,243** 1997
>San Diego Gas & Electric -- 1995
>Shell Oil Co. 3,216 1996
>Northern spotted owl: Protected in Simpson Timber plan.
>San Joaquin kit fox: Endangered, listed in 1967. Protected by plans
>in Kern County.
>California jewelflower: Endangered, listed in 1990. Protected by
>plans in Kern County.
>Mission blue butterfly: Endangered, listed in 1976. Protected by San
>Bruno Mountain plan.
>California coastal gnatcatcher. Threatened, listed in 1993. Protected
>by several Southern California plans.
>Sources: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management
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