> > > >Hi - I spoke with Vicki Campbell (NMFS) this morning. For whatever it's worth >she thought the Sacto hearing was "effective" in getting across the passion >and committment which those in attendance bring to the issue. The appearance >of children struck an emotional cord with both Spear and Hogarth. > >If only Spear and Hogarth would take it to heart and keep it there! -KB > > >article forwarded from Jeff Shellito > > > Plan to log near old redwoods opposed > > By Patrick Hoge > Bee Staff Writer > (Published Oct. 30, 1998) > > Charging that salmon and seabirds would be badly hurt, >environmentalists on Thursday assailed > the Pacific Lumber Co.'s plan to log around ancient >Humboldt County redwood trees that state > and federal officials plan to buy for nearly $500 million. > > An array of environmental advocates at a Sacramento >hearing called the plans a bad deal for > taxpayers. > > "As far as I'm concerned, HCP stands for the Headwaters >Clear-cut Plan," said Michael Passoff > of Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters. He was one of more >than 80 people who commented on > Pacific Lumber's Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) at the >Sacramento Convention Center. > > Hearings on the plan will continue next Thursday in >Oakland and Nov. 11 in Eureka; another was > held Tuesday in Culver City. Written comments will be >taken until Nov. 16. > > Pacific Lumber President John Campbell said from his >office in Scotia he was not surprised by > the criticism. > > "We anticipated there'd be a crescendo at the end," he >said. "They do not want the confrontation > to be over." > > Pacific Lumber's plan must be approved by March 1 so that >federal authorization won't expire for > $250 million allocated to buy the 7,500-acre Headwaters >grove -- about half of which is a virgin > stand of redwood trees as much as 2,000 years old. > > Gov. Pete Wilson last month signed a bill that >appropriated $245 million in state money to > purchase Headwaters as well as the 904-acre Owl Creek >grove. > > Environmentalists say neither the timber purchase nor >Pacific Lumber's harvest plan would benefit > wildlife enough to justify giving the company a permit to >kill protected species. > > Both the imperiled marbled murrelet and coho salmon depend >on old growth forests, and Pacific > Lumber has the largest remaining scattered stands of old >growth redwood trees on private land. > > Critics also say the company should not get a permit >because it has often violated forest practice > laws. It almost lost its license last year, and has since >received even more citations from the state. > > In addition to the forests the public may buy, Pacific >Lumber's harvest plan calls for setting aside > 8,500 more acres for 50 years for murrelets. In return, >the company would get the right to log > 500 acres of its virgin old-growth forest, and about 8,000 >acres of previously logged land that > has stands of old-growth trees. > > The plan was developed jointly by officials from the Fish >and Wildlife Service and the National > Marine Fisheries Service, but neither agency has yet >approved it. > > Phil Detrich, a biologist for the Fish and Wildlife >Service, said it is a good plan for the murrelets. > > "Our goal in this whole negotiation was to preserve the >best habitat," Detrich said. "I am pretty > much satisfied with the way this plan has been developed >so far." > > Vicki Campbell, the chief negotiator for the National >Marine Fisheries Service, said her agency > will soon issue a biological opinion on the harvest plan's >adequacy. > > But Campbell she wants to see stricter erosion controls >and more monitoring of stream > conditions. "The deal isn't done yet," she said. > > Environmentalists charge that the no-cut, 100-foot buffer >zones along streams won't be wide > enough, and steep areas would be left unstable by >clear-cutting. > > Some at the hearing called the process window dressing, >and they don't expect the plan to be > significantly changed. > > About 15 members of the Earth First movement stood with >their backs to the panel taking > testimony. Most wore white T-shirts saying "No Deal" and >"No HCP." > > > BACK TO TODAY'S BEE | BACK TO LOCAL NEWS | SACBEE HOME > > Copyright c 1998 The Sacramento Bee > > > > > David M. Walsh P.O. Box 903 Redway, CA 95560 Office and Fax(707) 923-3015 Home (707) 986-1644
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