> > >Humboldt deputies arrest 13 protesters > >Earth First! vows further action > >Oct. 9, 1998 > >By ANDREW LaMAR >Press Democrat Staff Writer > >For the second straight day Thursday, Humboldt County authorities descended >on Earth First! protesters, used pepper spray and carted activists off to >jail. > >In all, sheriff's deputies arrested 13 protesters on charges ranging from >trespassing to unlawful assembly, adding to the five apprehended Wednesday >during a law enforcement raid on an encampment of activists in the same >area. > >Earth First! vowed Thursday to continue attempts to block a road leading to >the area where activist David Chain died three weeks ago, citing concerns >about the integrity of an investigation into his death. Chain was killed by >a falling redwood while protesting logging by Pacific Lumber Co. near >Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park. > >On Thursday morning, nine activists linked themselves together with tubes >made of plastic, metal and concrete into which they placed their arms. They >then lay across the logging road that runs from Highway 36 to the >mountainside where Chain was killed. > >More than a dozen officers from the CHP and the Humboldt Sheriff's >Department arrived at the scene at 8:30 a.m. > >Officers took the protesters' rain tarp and ground pads and, after waiting >an hour, threatened to use pepper spray if the protesters didn't disperse, >according to Naomi Wagner, an Earth First! member who was present. Officers >then applied pepper spray near the eyes of protester Carrie Liz McKee, one >member in the chain. > >"You could hear the screams of pain," Wagner said. "It was an obvious >attempt to torture one person enough to intimidate everyone." > >Authorities said they applied the pepper spray according to proposed state >guidelines, with gauze pads dipped in the liquid and placed on the corner >of McKee's closed eyes. They disputed Wagner's account, that officers >poured the spray from the palms of their hands into her eyes on three >occasions in a half-hour. > >According to deputies, pepper spray was used only once. > >A group of 30 spectators gathered to witness the blockade, Wagner said. >When pepper spraying commenced, 12 of the witnesses linked arms and knelt >on the center line of Highway 36 to show solidarity, she said. > >At roughly 10:30 a.m., officers began to cut the clips to protesters' locks >with long-nosed pliers. The first two activists cut from the chain were >taken to jail. Seven others were cited and released. > >All nine were charged with conspiracy, trespassing and resisting arrest. > >Officers arrested three others who refused to leave when authorities >declared an unlawful assembly at 2:40 p.m. > >One activist was arrested earlier in the day for interfering with police. > >"This blockade is not over," Wagner said. "Our objectives here are to >protect the crime scene, the scene of the death of David "Gypsy' Chain, and >to stay there until the investigation is complete and justice is >served...and Pacific Lumber ceases illegal logging." > >But Pacific Lumber President John Campbell said the company's plans for >sustained-yield logging and protecting endangered species habitats are >under governmental review. Furthermore, lawmakers have agreed to buy the >Headwaters Forest to preserve it. > >"I think it's important for the public to understand these issues have been >resolved on the state and federal level and many very thoughtful people >worked on the issues," Campbell said. > >The death of Chain, along with Earth First!'s ongoing protests, has >prevented Pacific Lumber from logging and kept eight to 10 employees home >from work for 18 days, Campbell said > > > > David M. Walsh P.O. Box 903 Redway, CA 95560 Office and Fax(707) 923-3015 Home (707) 986-1644
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